My Story and How I Became a Dating Coach for Divorced Women
If you are new to my world, WELCOME! I am delighted to have you here.
A little bit about me, I got divorced in 2015 after a 17-year marriage.
It’s a long story that I won’t go into here, but you can hear all about it on a couple of podcast episodes (see the end of this post) where I share my dating after divorce story as well as why I married the ex in the first place.
After my divorce, I stepped into the dating market and I experienced the shock and awe of coming out of finding that it’s a whole new world!
Dating apps, texting, pandemics, dating games, dating rules, and strange new ways people communicate make it a weird, weird journey.
But, I truly believed that I was meant to be in a committed relationship.
And I truly believed that there was someone out there for me.
I also believed that I was the kind of woman who could find him.
So I figured out how to navigate every step of this new dating world.
From swiping and finding good men on the apps to evaluating text conversations, first dates, and going exclusive, to dating in person and great places to meet and connect with good men, I took every single step of the journey.
And I did it.
I met my husband online in 2018 and we got married in 2019.
Now my chosen work is to guide my clients up the same mountain as they journey to their own loving, healthy partnerships after divorce.
The really nice thing about having a guide is that when you have no clue where you are on the trail, your guide can say, “hey, it’s fine. I’ve been here before and I know exactly where you are and the next step we need to take.”
I truly believe that women deserve romantic relationships where we feel loved and safe and cherished. And so that is why I do what I do.
Again, welcome to my world!
Here are the links to the podcast episodes:
My Dating After Divorce Story:
Why I Married My Ex: