Repeating Old Relationship Patterns

Do you:

Frequently fall in love at first text message only for the relationship to turn out to be a flash in the pan?

Shut down around men,  distance yourself, or avoid them altogether?

Expect perfection and make them prove themselves over and over to you?

Chase a man or settle because you’re afraid of being left?

Naively hope and believe that they will love you and treat you well because of how good you are?

Hustle for their approval, work hard to prove yourself worthy of their love?

Settle for crumbs and stay in denial about the behaviors of the person you’re seeing?

Take what people you meet say or do personally and get hurt to the point that your self-concept is devastated by their behavior?

Fantasize and roleplay entire relationships in your mind with someone you’ve never gone on a date with?

There are many ways your relationship patterns could be keeping you from creating the love you want TODAY.

Once you see your own patterns, your new awareness gives you the ability to create new healthy relationship patterns that accelerate your journey to the man uniquely suited for the peaceful, respectful, passionate and loving relationship you want to create.

Schedule your consultation call with me to get started changing your patterns so you can find your solid relationship and be done dating forever.

{Client Story} Dating when you have kids

The Power of Self-Discovery to Magnetize your Partner