Dating App Texting Anxiety

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Today’s Podcast is about Dating App Texting Anxiety

Texting is the playground of the worst dating games and it's why many dating journeys end before they even begin

The myth is that you have to trick a good man into liking you

So you do things in a weird way and overthink what to write

This stage causes so many people to give up because it's exhausting

My overall philosophy is to treat every stage of dating like you would a normal networking event

Texting is like email where you are evaluating a person for basic respect, decency and possible overlap in interests - you can't tell much more than that until a call or two and a first date

It's a new skill that needs to be learned, practiced and adjusted to fit who you are and what you are looking for

In this episode, I break down what you need to make this stage of dating count:

Be willing to be yourself

Be willing to ignore the rules or demands other people make

Be willing to make mistakes

Be willing to let other people do the wrong thing without taking it personally or sticking around to experience more of it.

If you overthink or have anxiety when you text someone you're dating, this is the episode for you

And if you want to get more help with texting, I have a full masterclass on Texting coming soon


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