Dating after Divorce for Fiercely Independent Women with Dr. Stephanie Byerly

Dating after Divorce for Fiercely Independent Women with Dr. Stephanie Byerly

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In this fascinating episode, I had the pleasure of chatting with Dr. Stephanie Byerly, a Trauma-informed Professional Coach, Obstetrical Anesthesiologist, and Certified Life Professional Coach. Stephanie bravely shared her personal journey through marriage, divorce, and finding love again, as well as the psychological struggles that come with being a successful, high achieving woman in leadership. 

Listen in as we explore the impact of expectations, social norms, and external barriers on our beliefs and decisions, and how our own personal experiences and upbringing can shape our thoughts and expectations. Stephanie's life experiences have led her on a journey of healing and self-discovery, and she shares her passion for helping women understand their brain's motivations and the power of deciding who their authentic selves are. We also tackle the challenges women face when it comes to leadership roles, particularly the backlash that often comes with it, and how vital it is to give women a voice that matters.

Join us in this powerful discussion as Stephanie shares her passion for helping women uncover their authentic selves and embrace their potential. You'll leave inspired by her journey of healing, self-discovery, and her commitment to empowering women in every aspect of their lives. Don't miss this opportunity to learn from her insights and experiences, whether you're navigating the dating world, leadership roles, or your own personal growth.

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Featured on the Show: Dr. Stephanie Byerly

Dr. Stephanie Byerly is an obstetrical anesthesiolgist and is a certified Life, Trauma Informed and Professional Coach and Leadership Consultant.

Click here to listen now.

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