Centering Yourself in Your Dating and Relationships with Caitlin Liz Fisher

Centering Yourself in Your Dating and Relationships with Caitlin Liz Fisher

My guest on the podcast today is Caitlyn Liz Fisher, a creativity coach. She shares the story of her first two marriages - the first marked by imbalance and settling, the second by non-monogamy, gaslighting, and abuse.

Caitlyn's story is one of resilience, strength, and the power of self-love. She takes us through her inspiring transformation and how she moved from chaotic relationships to a healthy, loving bond with her current partner. Her "Yikes Rule", a gauge for determining the potential success of a relationship, is a fascinating take-away.

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Featured on the Show: Caitlin Liz Fisher

Caitlin Liz Fisher is an author and creativity coach who turned their gifted kid burnout into a way to help neurodivergent, disabled, and queer creatives get their passions back on the priority list. Every challenge they've overcome — abuse, parental estrangement, toxic jobs, and even crappy breakups — has helped them learn to say yes to their deep-down dreams and no to the status quo. They are now living their absolute weirdest, abnormal life and advocating for others to do the same by subverting capitalism and embracing a world where we can finally stop hustling.

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