Loving Life and Finding Love After Divorce with Kelly Bonnano

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Kelly Bonnano is a Wellness Coach and Life Coach for Divorced People. She shares her journey through the emotional and logistical turmoil of getting divorced after 26 years.
Kelly shares her experiences of starting over, dating post-divorce, and finding love again. Finally, we delve into the complex world of love, infatuation, and dating after divorce.
Kelly offers valuable insights on how to differentiate fleeting infatuation from enduring love, and the importance of a calm and logical approach to dating.

Get details on how to work with Sade Curry  to achieve all your post divorce goals - including meeting your ideal romantic partner: Click here to sign up.

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Featured on the Show: Kelly Bonanno

Kelly Bonanno is a Wellness & Life Coach, speaker, mom to 2 teenage boys and creator of the Loving Life After Divorce Method. With over a decade as a wellness educator, she helps people navigate divorce with confidence and become the best versions of themselves inside and out. Whether they’ve lost themselves in their marriage, are fearful of the future, want to get in better shape or find lasting love, Kelly empowers them to move through the process with courage and powerfully transition to their new life. She also helps business owners retain employees, reduce sick days and burnout while increasing productivity, focus, and morale with her innovative wellness programs and workshops.

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