221. Are You Wasting Your Time With Dating?

221. Are You Wasting Your Time With Dating?

Let’s our complex relationship with time in dating after divorce, challenging the common belief that dating is a "waste of time." As part of my three-episode series about time, we examine how this mindset affects your dating journey and what to do about it.

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Key Concepts Explored:

What Actually Wastes Time in Dating:
- Dating without a strong "why" or due to external pressure
- Pursuing someone who clearly stated they don't want what you want
- Trying to convince uninterested people to date you
- Fantasy relationships and passive dating
- Repeating the same dating patterns without learning or growth

Common Questions Addressed:
- What if I'm truly too busy to date?
- How do I know if I'm investing time wisely in dating?
- When is it okay to stop seeing someone to "save time"?
- How can I date efficiently without compromising on what matters?
- What's the difference between being selective and over-filtering?

222. Fight For the Relationship You Want

222. Fight For the Relationship You Want

220. I Don't Want to Date an Older / Younger Man

220. I Don't Want to Date an Older / Younger Man