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Am I ready to date?

Am I ready to date?

Have I recovered enough from my divorce?

Are my kids in a good enough place for me to date?

Do I know myself well enough?

Am I too picky?

Am I still hung up on my ex?

Should I be dating while I'm working on my side hustle?

Will the fact that I want more kids scare men away?

Do I even really want more kids?

The best thing you could do with the questions is to ANSWER THEM

And do it ahead of time

Decide what it means to be too picky and if you fall into that definition

Dive into self-discovery and connect with yourself long enough to know what you want, if you want kids or not

When you let your brain spin continuously with questions without answering them, it will keep you in paralysis-analysis over your dating journey

When that happens, you never get started, or you start and stop when the questions come up again

If you do get started, any challenges along the way will prove that you shouldn't be on the journey

Your brain will spiral because you're using what happens along the way to answer the 9,000 questions instead of answering them ahead of time

If a man ghosts, you'll think it's because you said you might want kids

If you have an anxious moment, you'll assume it's because you weren't ready to date

And on and on

Never ending questioning is a trick you subconsciously use to stay in your comfort zone

If you have 9,000 questions to answer before you get started dating, we do this self-discovery work in my coaching program in a way that moves you forward instead of keeping you in "getting ready" mode forever

You will learn to make decisions ahead of time, create internal safety and certainty and deep dive into parts of you that you've left behind when you were in survival mode

You retrieve all the parts of the amazing woman you've always been

You answer all of your own questions and create definitions and frames of reference that gets your brain unstuck from overthinking

So that you can step into this next phase of your life without the constant friction of spinning and questioning

If this is you, get started by scheduling a consultation call with me