Desperate or Determined?
If you’re deathly afraid of appearing desperate when you date, you will find yourself taking the bare minimum amount of action because you’re trying to date in a way that other people will approve of
Your family, friends, the “nebulous they,” the men on the apps, real or imagined, you know they’ll have something to say about how you show up that you now second-guessing every move you make
You open the app and shut it again
You wait for the perfect “movie star” profile to come along before you swipe right
You wait for the guys to send the first message
You pass on anyone that might not meet your friends’ cuteness standards
You think you’re dating but there’s a month in between every decision
All to avoid the feeling of shame that comes from their comments
We live in a culture where everyone has something to say about your relationship
Dating and romance are the stuff of entertainment, so it seems fair game
But unless you are willing to take full ownership of your dating journey, with or without the approval of others, you won’t reach the goal
You have to be the leader of your dating journey and learn to create your own motivation, internal confidence and belief in your capacity to do what’s right for you
You have to develop a tolerance for the feelings that come when others disapprove of you
And stop shrinking back in the face of their disappointment - this takes courage
Courage comes from your deep belief that you can do this, you’re more than capable
You’ll stop taking your friends’ comments personally
You’ll stop second-guessing every move and build the resilience to make some mistakes along the way
You’ll end confusion and take next steps quickly, adjusting and getting better every time
You’ll fail forward
This is how you accelerate your dating journey - you’ll take the steps required to put yourself out there without hiding for weeks on end
When my clients get to this point, they get one to two new dates with good men every week which leads them to meeting their partners in less than a year
Stewing in of fear others’ opinions is a showstopper to meeting your new partner
You’re not desperate. You’re just determined to get on with your best life.
I can help you move past the fear of others’ opinions to get your dating journey done.
Let’s talk TODAY to see if my process is a fit for you