Good Questions to Ask When Dating

I  get asked for good questions to ask men when dating

Clients want to know what to ask to evaluate the person they’re dating to see if they’re a good fit

We design the questions based on who they are, what they’re looking for, and their vision for the relationship

What I don’t get asked often is “what are good questions to ask MYSELF when I’m dating?”

Your brain is a question-asking and question-answering machine

Questions are how it makes meaning of the world to fulfill its main goal of keeping you safe

You’re always asking yourself questions even when you’re not aware it’s happening

Dating is no different

If you’re not intentional, ask yourself terrible dating questions that keep you frustrated:

Why can’t I find a good man?

Why are the dating apps so awful?

What’s wrong with me?

What if I’m single forever?

These questions keep you stuck and spinning

You are asking yourself these questions to try to keep yourself safe and ensure success instead of failure

Your brain will look for evidence that solidifies the belief that you can’t find a good man, the dating apps are awful, there’s something wrong with you and for sure you’ll be single forever

It puts your focus on fear, and you create fear-based results - no relationship

In the same way, love-based questions boost your creativity and yield positive results

The give you evidence that dating WILL work for you:

How can I create love today?

How can I meet more compatible men?

What are the strengths I bring to dating?

What makes me an amazing partner?

What would be fun to do today?

Where have I had success in dating already?

These questions move your brain to find evidence that you CAN create love, you can meet compatible men, you are an amazing partner and you can succeed at dating

Asking the right questions puts your focus is on everything that’s going RIGHT and creates the powerful result of matching you with the partner you’ve been looking for

This is the power of coaching

What questions do you ask yourself?

What results have they given you?

If you want to change that, grab a consult call spot on my calendar.

How to Continue Healing When Dating

Why You Should Shift Your Dating Mindset