Dating Playbook

It’s really easy to create an amazing love story when you know:

-Who you are - a solid personal identity and confidence

-What you want - a clear picture of who your future partner is

-How to get there - an effective process for meeting him

Most of my students know that they are amazing. They know that they want a fabulous relationship they can be proud of.

But the steps to get that relationship feels out of their hands.

This is where my work with them as their coach makes all the difference.

I help them resolve those subtle gaps, questions and doubts that hold them back:

-Why is finding love taking me so long?

-How do I find the time to date?

-How can I be sure I’m ready for a relationship?

-Where do I go to meet people who are a good fit?

-How will this impact my children?

-What if my ex creates a problem?

- How do I get my mind on board and procrastinating and being anxious about dating?

-Why do I keep getting distracted?

- How do I prevent rejection and heartbreak?

-How do I stop wasting time with the wrong guys?

-How can I be sure when I’ve found the one?

-How do I get him to commit?

-How do I ask the hard questions?

If you haven’t fully resolved these beliefs and doubts, you won't have the inner jet fuel that gets your dating journey off the ground and moving speedily toward true love.

You’ll be inching forward and going around in circles, thinking about it all the time, but never actually creating the relationship.

I want to help you get out of overthinking about dating into a life where a loving relationship is just a part of your new normal. 

Where the search is in your past and enjoying love is in your present.

You’re amazing.

You want an amazing relationship.

Now, learn a process that helps you get it done

Schedule your call with me today:


Being pursued

Romance vs Love