It’s easier to find the man you loves and accepts you for who you than to change yourself into a whole new personality that you think will be “acceptable” to men
The message in the world is that you need to change yourself, shrink yourself and become smaller so that you can be loved
But that only attracts small men who will do or say things to keep you small so that they feel comfortable around you
No, thank you.
Real love is EXPANSIVE
In my dating process, we don’t twist ourselves into pretzels to please others
We live our very best lives out loud to attract the men who are living that same level of excellence
We heal from and let go of shame
We learn how to be visible
We ask for what we want
We show up fun, flirty and happy
We connect, we participate, we shine
We enjoy the journey to love
Because the experience you’re having when you are dating is the barometer of what you are creating
Self-doubt and making yourself wrong only creates a painful experience
Self-love, self-advocacy, confidence and authenticity is the path to healthy love
We create this process weekly in my 1:1 coaching sessions
You are in charge. You decide the experience you want to have, and you create it.
If you are ready to do this work and change your relationship results, schedule a call with me here: