What’s different about my dating process?
Maybe you’ve tried it all and nothing works
Maybe you haven’t even gotten started
Maybe what you want is different from what others want
Maybe you have children with unique needs
Or wealth you want to protect in your new partnership
If your unique situations creates questions for you about dating, then coaching with me is the perfect place for you
My approach to dating is non-formulaic
I don’t assume that one-size fits all women
What we do is work with your thinking, your feeling, your decision-making and your accountability to the vision you have for your future
We work together remove the blocks you are encountering in your journey
Blocks come from different places - the experience you’re having while dating, your past patterns and misconceptions, fearful mindset or a lack of motivation to take aligned action
I help you create your own unique dating strategy and work with you to remove the blocks when they get triggered
If you keep having one foot on the accelerator and one foot on the brake, starting and stopping your dating journey, it’s because stuff is coming up on the way that you’re not dealing with
This is what I help with
My job as a coach is to help you troubleshoot your dating process step by step until you get the results you want.
Think of it like a garden hose you want to get water from, but it’s all twisted and knotted up.
You’re scared or feel awkward dating
Too attached to an ex
You’re not meeting any men
Dating apps don’t seem to work for you
The men you meet are not your type at all
You meet men that are compatible with you, but they are not interested in you
Everyone wants to be “friends”
You commit, but then things fall apart quickly
If you don’t know where the knots are and how to loosen them your dating process yields poor results.
Either no water, or tiny drops of water from the hose, not enough to yield a true love relationship that is safe, loving, fun, committed and lasts for a lifetime
When you work with me, we go step by step to troubleshoot all the parts of your dating process, so that you get a flow of good matches and an enjoyable dating process
Once you get a hose untwisted, the water starts flowing.
You find more compatible men to choose from and you get to select your ideal partner from that pool and create the love you want.
Your dates will go from yucky to fun and fabulous.
I teach you the inner healing steps and mindset work that gets you feeling confident about dating
Then you learn how to meet a lot of men who are the right kind of compatible partners, confidently connect and create interactions and quickly evaluate and filter them out so that you do not waste time dating men who are not compatible with you or unwilling to commit
You have a different kind of dating experience and create a different kind of love
It all starts with a free consult call with me.
Click here to schedule: http://sadecurry.com/schedule-appointment