Ever met the man who subtly implies he’s committed, but isn’t?
Who talks about rings and children, but never moves the relationship forward
The man who does the slow fade and ghosts
But what about the woman who believes him?
The woman who left the first date thinking “He’s the One” without knowing his middle name
The woman didn’t think that people could lie to her on purpose
The woman who thought the whirlwind romance was a good thing
The woman who overinvested and gave 100% to a man who was giving nothing
As hard as it is to admit, I was once that woman
Why do we fall so easily?
Because our brains are biologically designed to minimize effort
It’s goal is to conserve calories and follow the path of least resistance
The brain would rather watch a TV show than do a hard math problem
And it would rather latch to the first sign that a man is interested in you
Than do the hard work of slowing things down, asking awkward questions and getting to the truth
There’s no fun in that
It doesn’t feel romantic
And it feels very uncomfortable to the brain - which makes you feel like you’re doing it wrong
But you’re not
What’s missing in your approach to dating is a solid understanding of how your logic and intuition need to work together to lead you to a partner who is truly trustworthy, compatible with you and ready for a commitment
The brain either wants to make snap judgments and fill in the rest of the story on its own - leading to a failed relationship
Or it wants to stay in limbo forever and not make the decision - leading to no relationship
You want to stay out of those extremes by teaching your brain to use both short term and long term thinking at the same time
It takes some learning and some effort
But it works
If you’re ready to training your intuition to work hand-in-hand with logic to make the best relationship decisions, schedule your consult call today: http://sadecurry.com/schedule-appointment