Do you have a hard time releasing the story that "there are no good men out there?"
Does it feel like a deep truth for you?
This is because you have a harsh inner critic who will turn around and shame and blame you if indeed, there are good men and you just aren't "good enough" to be with one
And because you're the loser who couldn't do it organically, doesn't know how and has to ask for help
When your brain is in the habit of shaming and blaming, it will feel better to be committed to the idea that "the men out there" are the problem
You can say you've done everything and it just didn't work out and no one can hold you responsible
But there's another way
One where what it is, is just what it is: You are single in this moment and no one, not even you has to be the problem
Finding love can be a neutral goal that means nothing about who you are and what you've done
You're not "less than" now while single, nor will you be "more than" when you find love
Feel how that perspective lifts the inner stress and gives you the opportunity to create this goal just because you want it.
The human brain is wired to approach life from survival mode, and when things aren't working, we go straight to shame, blame and beat ourselves up
It makes hard to show up with the joy and radiant expression needed to find the kind of love you want
This is the work I do with my coaching students - we create a dating strategy that works and we coach on the mindset that helps them execute flawlessly
Iām offering you a consultation call, where I help you
- locate the problem spots in your dating and the solutions you need
- explain the process of dating with high standards and how to get out of the random "dating horror story" game everyone else is playing
- identify any mindset issues from childhood or the divorce getting in the way
- create a new, more effective strategy to get you into the relationship you want
Sometimes it's hard to fight for your own dreams when you've been stuck in the pattern of shrinking them down.
Change starts with one conversation...You'll tell me about your relationships, current struggles, and where you'd really like to be - and I'll share the blind spots and areas to focus on
The impact of having space and time to talk to an expert about your goal is priceless - you get the opportunity to see the big picture perspective that helps you go further faster.
Schedule your call with me today: