It's Time to Get Off the Dating Rollercoaster
It's Time to Get Off the Dating Rollercoaster
You thought you had a connection with him
You went all in and came out burned again
Because you wear your heart on your sleeve
You love with all your heart or not at all
And you get hurt, close up, shut down and hide away
Then you get tired of being alone
And you try again
You're still wearing your heart on your sleeve
So the vicious cycle continues
Getting burned a couple of times happens to everyone
But if that's ALL that's happening to you, something else is up
You're stuck in romance compulsion - all or nothing loving that is slowing your journey to love waaay down
It's keeping you from finding a loving and trustworthy partner
It's time to break the cycle
Grow up out of the lovesick "tween" crushing stage and high school romance mode
And develop mature emotional boundaries
You can learn to enjoy a man's company without falling headlong
You don't have to intertwine your future with theirs
You can be open, warm and friendly while also being assertive and unattached
You can embody vulnerability, self-confidence and courage all at the same time
This is what adult dating looks and feels like
Having all the fun
Smiling, flirting and laughing
While asking the hard questions
Having the difficult conversations
And making the tough decision to only permit real, mature love in your life
I teach my students how to move out of Romance Compulsion into Confident Dating
If you're ready for a real kind of love, schedule a call with me: