What if dating could be EASY?

Dating after Divorce

What if dating could be EASY?

I like to see dating after divorce as a growth journey with twists and turns, but you come out on the other side transformed and holding the prize of a relationship you love

Instead of wishing away the hard parts of the dating journey, I help my clients grow and transform into the woman for whom the journey to her partner is easy

We choose interpretations that give the journey momentum

The part where you get frustrated after 2 months of searching?  - that’s where you learn to stick with commitment to a goal

The part where you get ghosted? - that’s where you learn to stop investing your emotions in other people’s actions

The part where you fall in love and he turns out to be a jerk? - that’s where you uplevel your ability to see people clearly

The part where you aren’t getting what you want Inna relationship? - that’s just where you learn to ask directly for what you want

The part where your dating app queue comes up empty? - that’s where you learn how to 10x your creativity and create new connection opportunities

The part where you’re ready to go exclusive and he hasn’t said anything? - that’s where you learn how to step up as an equal partner and create the relationship you want

All of it is part of the process

There’s no need to be frustrated when what we expect shows up

The best surgeon isn’t worried when there’s blood when she cuts her patient open

She knows that this is the part where the patient bleeds and she uses a clamp to stop the bleeding

It’s just part of the process and she just keeps going until the surgery is done

What if all the aspects of dating that you spend time venting and complaining about were just part of the process?

You could learn to take them in stride, and fully engage with all of it, the fun and the not-so-fun

And you get to come out the other side with an amazing you and an amazing relationship

If you want a real relationship

Contact me here: http://sadecurry.com/schedule-appointment

Difficult Conversations

Inevitable Obstacles