Inevitable Obstacles

Dating after Divorce

It’s inevitable that some things will go wrong when you are dating

You get ghosted

You end up across the table with a definite NO

A guy you like picks someone else

You go for weeks without any quality guys in your queue

You feel rejection

You experience an awkward conversation

A guy gets offended when you set a boundary

You have to break up with someone

Your friends match you with someone who isn’t a good fit

Obstacles, obstacles, obstacles


None of these things means you can’t date, have fun and find YOUR person

Every goal has obstacles that need to be overcome before success

These are predictable steps and challenges on the dating journey

They are as required as bookkeeping to a business owner (none of us enjoys our bookkeeping!)

But my clients and I have seen it all and stepped over and around these challenges to get to the gold

We don’t quit because we are unstoppable

You can be the woman for whom obstacles along the way of achieving a goal is not a problem

You become emotionally stronger

You grow your confidence, assertiveness and increase your ability to go after what you want in life

Sitting on the couch instead of going to the gym is a lot less painful than lifting those weights

But you don’t get stronger by sitting on the couch with Netflix on a Friday night

Postponing your dating journey for “someday” is a lot more comfortable than getting out there and figuring it out

But you only get the growth and the reward stepping out of your comfort zone

It’s time to get out into the arena

Put in the reps and get the reward

And the reward of creating a healthy relationship is absolutely worth it

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