Remarriage Stories

Dating after Divorce

Many of the happiest marriages around you are second marriages

I was oblivious to this until I told people I was divorced

Then they opened up

My credit union banker of 15 years told me she'd been divorced and now remarried for 20 years when I called to take myself off our joint account

A woman told me her parents had had to come rescue her from her first abusive marriage and her current marriage was the second for both of them - I’d known her for 8 years and had no idea

As the stories came rolling in, I realized that what people called "broken" was just life and it was everywhere

Many of us simply get it wrong the first time around

Because we thought we were doing the right thing

Because we were too young

Because we had no idea what we were doing or how to do it

Because we were trusting and fell for a lie

Because we got pressured into a decision

Because someone changed

The remarriage stories I heard gave me just enough hope and belief to be willing to try again to do the work to make it happen

If your view of dating and finding a partner after divorce is bleak and discouraged, I challenge you to reach out to 5 remarried couples and ask them how they met and what the journey from divorce to remarriage looked like

Those stories will be way better fuel for your journey than venting about dating horror stories over and over

Your brain has a negativity bias and it loves to collect and create scenarios that show you how impossible what you want is

Turn your focus to where you are going and you're more likely to get there

Creating focus on success stories is not a one and done event. When you are pursuing a big goal like a healthy relationship, leaving your mindset to chance won’t cut it

You will spiral into doubt, discouragement and apathy unless you have a strong plan to remove limiting beliefs and unproductive habits while learning the dating skills you need

Developing the belief & focus needed to successfully date and get married again is a skill I teach in my coaching program.

Schedule a consult call with me here:

I will walk you through how I help divorced women date with ease and get married again and you can become the next success story. Let’s do it.

What actually creates Dating Success?

Dating Skills