My Dating After Divorce Academy Clients kicked off their 10 First Dates in 30 Days challenge today.
Every few months, we do this challenge as a group and get incredible results
In the challenge, they go on 10 first dates in 30 days without putting any expectations to meet their partner on any one date
And if they’re not getting enough quality men in their queue, I help them fix whatever is keeping that from happening
We fix it immediately instead of taking months to get momentum
They get 10 dates in 30 days instead of 10 dates in 3 years (no one has time for that!)
Turning dating activities into a fun game takes away the pressure, overthinking, and the tendency to tie their value and worth to the outcome of a swipe, text, or date.
Whether a date turns into a relationship or turns out to be a dud means nothing about their ability to meet the person who will create magic with them
The challenge teaches my clients to stop going home fantasizing and practicing a signature with a new last name.
They learn to detach from the outcome
To go on a date and use it as an opportunity to win or learn
To overcome social anxiety and get comfortable putting themselves out there
They see what real men look and feel like, and figure out what they like and what they don’t like
They use dating to explore the world instead of hiding
They break out of the post-quarantine-stay-at-home-comfort-zone
Learn to be visible, to revel in the spotlight
To engage with the real world
To practice what to say, how to show up, and how to find, choose and connect with 10 good guys
To learn to flirt
They practice turning down the obsessive inner voice that grasps and attaches
And if it doesn’t work out, they don’t turn it into a painful rejection
They don’t turn a boring conversation into a whole dramatic story about their prospects for love
Some clients meet their man during the challenge
Others create a breakthrough that finally opens up their flow of good men
They learn to chill and trust that this dating process works if they work it
The results we’ve seen with this challenge are always amazing
Dating finally clicks into place
And they can see the steps to when they’re holding hands with a trustworthy human why gets them
Who is committed and transparent
That moment will be worth the investment of time, money, and energy
You don’t have to go it alone
You too can make this fun challenge a part of your dating journey
I help divorced women date with ease and create remarkable relationships
Creating an extraordinary relationship is the focus every week in your coaching
We work on overcoming stuckness and “i-don’t-know-where-the-good-men-are-itis”
We create a ton of opportunities for meeting & connecting with potential partners
I teach you how to leverage your community to get blind dates
We work on making conversations easy and interesting
You learn the dance of healthy relationships and how to tell when a man is the One (or NOT)
You’ll go exclusive without anxiety
There’s still time to join the Dating After Divorce Academy and join in this month’s 10 Dates in 30 Days Challenge. Schedule a call with me and let’s talk: https://sadecurry.com/schedule-appointment