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Empowering Yourself to Create Love

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“When you think it's not going to work, you feel sad, you feel bad…that creates apathy, and a loss of motivation.”

“You can learn how to shift your thinking because your brain is just a self fulfilling prophecy machine.”

“You could choose to believe that you deserve an amazing love.”

“Discouragement is just a lie that your brain is telling you to trick you into staying in the comfort zone to trick you into not doing anything unfamiliar, anything scary, anything risky.”

“Empowerment is also available, you could redirect your brain to choose thoughts that empower you, that get you on board with actively creating the result of an amazing, extraordinary, nourishing, loving, new relationship after your divorce.”

In this episode, I share a small snippet from a coaching session that I had with a client this week that really encapsulated what I see many people go through when they're dating. And that’s when you are recycling thoughts that create discouragement and disappointment when you're dating.

Join me as I talk about how you can empower yourself to create love.

If you want to start making serious progress in your dating journey TODAY, get my free Dating After Divorce course and workbook. Click here to sign up!


To work with Sade Curry  to achieve all your post divorce goals - including meeting your perfect partner, sign up for a coaching consultation call

You will get an assessment of where you are, what’s been in your way, and what you need to do to achieve everything you want. Click here to sign up for the consultation call.

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