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From Messy to Married with Kimberly Jarman

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“Because I kept trying to switch circumstances…like moving states, changing jobs…And I kept revisiting the same feelings of…I'm not satisfied…I'm not happy…there has to be more to life than this.”

“I won't take the credit of being courageous and leaving the marriage. My subconscious self decided to burn my life down to get me out of it.”

“If we don't have compassion for ourselves, then we can't have compassion for others.”

“I chose and I changed my thoughts. Yeah, that's all I did….I am desirable, new perspective. And then I started looking for evidence to validate those new beliefs.”

My guest on the podcast this week is Kimberly Jarman.

Kimberly Jarman is a Mindset Coach for women who are struggling to live out their purpose because they don’t feel important and confident enough to.  

After years of feeling stuck, unsatisfied, and unhappy, from a place of desperation she burned down her life, took responsibility for her own happiness and success, and went on a mission to create the life she deeply wanted. One filled with love, financial freedom, time freedom, and happiness. 

Her mission today is to help women become empowered in their lives so they can live their soul's purpose. Helping them create lives that are filled with meaning, healthy relationships, and time and financial freedom. 


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