"Dating without Overwhelm" with Michelle Gauthier

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“There's no formulas for recovering from divorce”

“ I long ago stopped caring what other people thought about me. It wasn't easy, because I used to really care but now it's like, I just care about me, what I think about myself, and what's best for my kids.”

“But I learned how to just love people for who they are. And the power of doing that starting with myself, instead of thinking of all the ways that I'm lacking or whatever. And so just going into a relationship with that mindset is so different.”

“Some people are so starved for love and kindness and acts of service that…they can be bought with a single cup of coffee.”

“I have always had an underlying belief that there are great guys…like, my dad's a great guy, my brother's a great guy. I just believe that there are great guys available.”

If you want to start making serious progress in your dating journey TODAY, sign up for a coaching consultation call.

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Featured on the Show: Michelle Gauthier 

Michelle Gauthier is a Life Coach for overwhelmed working women.

Michelle is a single mom of two adopted kids and used to be an overwhelmed, busy working mom herself. She quit her successful 20 year corporate career to become a life coach to help other working women navigate their careers and home lives with ease.

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