5 Ways You Disconnect from Your Intuition

Every one of us has a powerful inner wisdom

That is one thing we take away from divorce

The sure knowledge that our inner voice knows what’s good for us

Problem? Not listening to that inner wisdom

That's why we got into that first marriage and we’re tempted to not listen again when you start dating

Because we’re just not willing to be out here and be divorced, single, and looking

We've been told there's something wrong with being divorced, single and looking

Like we've somehow failed at life and everyone is pointing at us

This interpretation of the divorced status sends you into a fight/flight/fawn/freeze response

If you believe that you are not lovable and acceptable as is

Or somehow less than because you’re currently single

Your lower brain will do whatever and by all means necessary to achieve the goal of changing your status from single to coupled - including ignoring the voice that’s telling you to slow down

Once your lower brain is on this life-saving mission, it will become unwilling to see the red flags in anyone who appears to be the solution

When your inner wisdom pops up with signs and signals to guide your dating journey, your lower brain will shut it down

Because it interprets everything as a sign that you won’t find love and you will be left shamed and rejected to die alone by the river

Your lower brain tries to protect you from this horrible end by:

  • Ignoring the signs

  • Explaining stuff away

  • Changing your relationship standards

  • Trying to change your partner by “asking for what you want”

  • Postpone breaking up to avoid the pain of heartbreak

All of this happens because you’re believing the panic story instead of your inner wisdom

Your inner wisdom knows that:

  • Your person is out there for you and would never present this red flag in your relationship

  • There are 7 billion people on the planet and no shortage of healthy partners

  • You’ve survived divorce and now possess the resilience and inner strength to handle whatever comes up with a breakup

  • You are worthy and deserving of being loved and cared for at the highest level

I teach my clients to date from their inner wisdom

They learn to turn the voice of their intuition way up high

It’s the voice that helps them make the best decision when a red flag presents itself

And reminds them their extraordinary relationship is inevitable

It fuels belief in themselves and their ability to create love

They practice letting go of the thoughts that create self-doubt and live from their inner rock of resourcefulness, resilience, and confidence

They approach every date with a sense of calm abundance not the pressure to please

If you want to date from this place, schedule a consult call with me here: http://sadecurry.com/schedule-appointment 

We will also discuss your strategy for dating online and offline, changing past relationship patterns, and training your intuition to never choose wrong again

You will go from single and searching to fully committed in an effortless, fulfilling, and connected relationship


Why You Should Shift Your Dating Mindset


Signs That You Overfunction in Romantic Relationships