Notice When Green Flags are Missing

Dating after Divorce

Sometimes it’s not the missing red flags that that are the problem

It’s the missing green flags

You thought you’d done your due diligence with screening out the wrong type of man

You looked for the red flags and there were none

Things seemed to be going well for a good while

And then suddenly you’re at the end of another 3 - 6 month relationship cycle with someone who wasn’t who you thought he was

Because of all the elements that were missing

If you haven’t experienced a healthy relationship close up, or done the work to raise your awareness of what they feel like, you won’t notice when the elements of healthy friendship are missing:

Mutual reciprocity


Emotional availability

Mutual interest

Effortless ease & laughter

Authentic self-expression

Expansive conversation

Honesty and transparency

Autonomy and self-responsibility

(You’d think someone would teach us in high school how to screen for this, but apparently the Pythagorean theorem was way more important)

If this cycle of relationships ending sounds familiar to you, you might need a re-education on what healthy relationships actually look and feel like

It can be a challenge because you can’t go back in time to change the fact that you grew up without this knowledge

But you can learn and experience it now

Learn what your needs are - emotional, psychological, physical, sexual, intellectual, lifestyle

Make those needs your #1 priority

Take your own life from “blah” to “omg WOW”

Be willing to confront where you are dissatisfied with your own life and make those changes

Then bring that experience into your dating journey

When you do this, you raise your level of awareness of whether or not a man you meet is displaying the green flags you want

It makes it so easy to know whether to move forward or say no long before you’ve invested too much time and energy in a relationship

Your journey to the right man will become so much easier and faster

You learn to deepen your ability to see when green flags are missing when you work with me 1:1

We also work on  your strategy for dating online and offline, changing past relationship patterns and training your intuition to never choose wrong again.

You will go from single and searching to fully committed in an effortlessly loving and connected relationship

Schedule your consultation call here:

Your man is one degree away from you

Listen to your inner wisdom