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Being pursued

“I want to be pursued”

“I like him because he pursues me”

So you don’t notice when he’s piling on the romantic gestures to get you to a “yes” in a hurry

Or the consistency of the daily morning and evening texts keep you from noticing you only see him once a month

The classic requirement that the man be the pursuer has many women giving up their agency in relationships

The pursuer implies that there’s one being pursued

“Men are hunters” implies you’re prey

That subconscious belief can have you wasting time doubting the signals from you inner wisdom

A lifetime of old beliefs and muddy definitions can wreak havoc on your dating journey

Until it feels like you’re starting from scratch over and over every few months

Take the time to examine the beliefs that are running your dating game

What results are those beliefs creating for you?

Are you closer to the love you want?

Or are you reliving the same dating story over and over

Deciding the experience you want to have when dating and sticking to that decision is where your agency lies

Then being pursued will look exactly like you want it to - being with a healthy partner who puts in the effort and truly reciprocates your interest

But you won’t know if you don’t take a look at what’s actually happening

When you coach with me, we uncover the beliefs driving your dating results

And change them so you get the relationship you want

Nothing changes till you change your thinking. Let’s get started now: http://sadecurry,com/schedule-appointment