Create Room for Mr. Right

Dating after Divorce

2 out of 3 of the women who work with me ask for help ending a relationship they know isn’t good for them.

Decluttering your dating space is the first step to finding an amazing relationship.

Connecting with the man you want requires presence of mind and clear thinking.

It’s hard to think clearly about what you want when you’re being pulled in 10 different directions by:

The ex from high school who’s been getting your hopes up with platonic messages but not asking you out.

The guy you met online who blows hot and cold, appears then disappears.

The guy you have an amazing connection with, but keeps you walking on eggshells around him.

It’s hard to develop creative dating solutions when you’re spinning and overanalyzing your current unfulfilling relationship.

Your brain can only process so much at a time and it prioritizes solving problems and keeping you safe over having fun and enjoying your life.

So if a really nice, loving man came into your orbit while all this drama is playing out, your brain will put blinders on and block him out because it’s trying to fix problems and the nice guy is for sure not important right now.

When you are in fight or flight mode, your brain ignores everything but what it considers dangerous.

Women in relationships often talk about how they found an amazing, decent guy when they finally gave up trying for a relationship and started to just enjoy their lives.

This does happen, but it’s not a mysterious phenomenon.

By moving themselves out of fight or flight mode, they were able to finally relax and their brain opened up to new possibilities.

But there’s a better way

I teach my clients to get out of fight or flight mode AND also keep up dating activities.

They let go of all the guys cluttering up their experience and keeping them on the drama cycle.

They rediscover what brings them joy, their standards for a great relationship and who they are really looking for.

They switch from looking at dating as a chore into seeing it as an adventure.

They start to have fun.

And they find their person.

If your current dating experience has you seeing or messaging someone you know isn’t good for you, but somehow you can’t bring yourself to break it off permanently, I can help you.

Schedule your consult call with me:


Do You Have Resistance to Dating?


Dating is Exhausting