Waiting for a man who doesn’t notice you?

So there’s the man you met and you thought, “maybe we could have something together”

He was in your network and seemed super-compatible

You figured out ways to run into him and strike up conversations, but nothing happened

He was super friendly, but never wanted to move the relationship forward

But you kept waiting around for something to spark up, as months and maybe years have rolled by

The reason you’re doing this is because you have a scarcity mindset about finding a good man. 

This man has attributes that you mistakenly believe you won’t find anywhere else - “he’s got to be the one!”

And then you start to see the “signs” that he’s the one:

You have kids the same age

You both had the same college major

Plus, if you could just get him to ask you out, your life would be so much easier

You wouldn’t have to put yourself out there and do the work to meet someone - especially if you believe there’s no one out there for you

The belief that there’s no one out there for you keeps you circling and fantasizing about a man who will never ask you out

Keeping you from doing the work of finding the men who are out there for you

The desire to stay in your comfort zone, has you settling in your mind for a man who is emotionally unavailable to you, who isn’t wild about you, who doesn’t think you’re the best thing since the iphone

You’re dreaming about a relationship with him because you’re not in touch with your true needs, you think it’s okay for your person to be lukewarm about you and you’re ready to hustle for his love

Reversing this type of thinking means reclaiming a deep sense of your own worthiness, lovability and preciousness

Until you feel deep down in your soul that you are 100% worthy of having a relationship that nourishes your soul, not one that has you hustling for crumbs

This is what coaching with me is all about. 

I can teach you the mechanics of dating in a few hours

The real work in on your mind - the way you see yourself, past relationships patterns, insecurities and worries that have you overthinking and stressing about 99,000 imaginary dating scenarios

When your thinking changes, you will have no qualms about saying no to a less than stellar relationship

The same way you would never consider handing your kid over to a stranger because of how precious they are, you will be so fully aware of your own value and the preciousness of your life and future that you won't consider tolerating a low caliber guy

When your thinking changes, you’ll effortlessly step into the spaces where you will connect with the man who’s right for you

Your man-picker gets reset

You’ll stop wasting weeks on end hoping and waiting to see if a man will finally show up for you

Being treated well becomes your new normal, not a luxury

And if he doesn’t show up, you won’t crumble with rejection or take it personally, you’ll know that his behavior was about him, not about you

And you’ll confidently move on to the next

Changing your scarcity thinking makes dating a fun ride, you’ll generate the momentum that gets you to your soulmate partner in a short amount of time

Yes, growing yourself is harder work than waiting around to get picked, but growth is how you make a true dream relationship happen

If this is work you are ready to do, click here to get started.

Healing Old Relationship Patterns so You Can Fall in Love Again

My Dating Failures