I thought my partner for sure didn’t live in Saint Louis. So I decided not to look for real love and just date to practice and work the kinks out in my dating process.
Guess what happened?
I met the love of my life right here in Saint Louis.
In hindsight, there were dozens of possible partners for me right here in this Midwest City, but I let myself interpret not meeting him YET to mean he didn’t exist.
Once I got in the arena to look, I proved myself wrong.
Apparently, you can’t know the answer to a problem without doing some problem-solving.
If you’ve tried dating before, an offer to help you meet a partner can sound "too good to be true."
Or you might wonder if the process will work in your specific circumstances
But wondering, thinking about it and spinning in indecision doesn’t get you to love
You need to give yourself answers
The question "will this work for me?" makes absolute sense and I want us to explore and answer it together.
Busy with work?
Building your business?
Living in a small city?
Not sure it's the right time?
Want to lose weight first?
The men you want don’t live in your area?
Have too much baggage?
House is a mess and you want to clean it up first?
Too introverted?
Children at home?
Trust issues?
I can help you answer the question of whether REAL LOVE is possible for you in your situation
So you can make a truly informed decision about whether or not coaching is for you.
If you think you have personal circumstances that stand in the way, let’s get you clarity so you can resolve them and move on with your journey to a new love.
Standing still and putting it off to the next of never is not an option for extraordinary love.